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Paedophile Gary Deveney was jailed for nine years after being found guilty of abusing a girl as young as three at an address in Tonbridge.

A paedophile has been jailed for abusing a young girl in Tonbridge.

Gary Deveney was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court yesterday after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a girl during 2010 and 2011, when she was aged between three and four years old.

The victim's mother reported Deveney to the police after her daughter made concerning comments.

Gary Deveney
Gary Deveney

Detectives investigated and discovered the 48-year-old had abused the girl at an address in Tonbridge.

Deveney was arrested in June 2013. He denied six counts of sexual offences against a child but charges but was later found guilty by a jury.

At the time of his arrest, he was already serving a prison sentence for sexual offences from an unrelated case in 2011.

The case was heard at Canterbury Crown Court
The case was heard at Canterbury Crown Court

At yesterday's hearing, Deveney was sentenced to nine years in custody and will have to serve an extended licence period for three years.

DC Emma Crombie from Kent Police said: "Deveney denied the offences, but from the information that the victim provided us it was clear that he had taken advantage of a child who was far too young to understand the gravity of what was happening.

"A couple of years later the victim made passing comments to her mother, who contacted us. That allowed us to gather the evidence from a very brave victim, and put Gary Deveney in front of a judge and jury.

"I think the sentence reflects the seriousness of the crime and it is reassuring for the victim and her family that Deveney is now in a place where he cannot cause any further harm."

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