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Ex-RAF pilot recalls intercepting 80 Russian bombers 50 years on

Ex-RAF pilot recalls intercepting 80 Russian bombers 50 years on

Steve Gyles was a pilot with just five years experience when he was scrambled in a Lightning jet and headed out above the North Sea.

Satellites used to identify plastics floating in ocean

Satellites used to identify plastics floating in ocean

The study could help develop a tool for aiding future pollution clean-ups, scientists say.

Runners urged not to lose heart ahead of marathon weekend disappointment

Runners urged not to lose heart ahead of marathon weekend disappointment

A campaign set up by organisers encourages participants to harness frustrations into different fundraising activities and stay physically active.

NHS trust boss receives death threat for allowing media access to hospital

NHS trust boss receives death threat for allowing media access to hospital

Joe Harrison, CEO of Milton Keynes University Hospital, said he would not tolerate violence towards staff and had reported the incident to police.

Evidence on mass wearing of masks weak, say experts

Evidence on mass wearing of masks weak, say experts

Government scientific advisers have now finalised their advice on the wearing of face masks by the public, Downing Street said.

Head teachers call on Government to abandon new assessments for four-year-olds

Head teachers call on Government to abandon new assessments for four-year-olds

Some school leaders are considering boycotting the statutory tests amid concerns.

New group to lead the recovery of NI tourism

New group to lead the recovery of NI tourism

The closing of borders and air routes and the lockdown of entire regions has resulted in a total loss of demand in tourism markets around the world.

Covid-19 vaccine trials due to begin in healthy volunteers

Covid-19 vaccine trials due to begin in healthy volunteers

Up to 1,102 participants will be recruited across multiple study sites in Oxford, Southampton, London and Bristol.

Care home to create ‘adopt a grandparent’ app after success of video chat scheme

Care home to create ‘adopt a grandparent’ app after success of video chat scheme

CHD Living is looking to create a video chat app for people in care homes after more than 70,000 signed up.

Boy completes 36-hour indoor cycle challenge for NHS charities

Boy completes 36-hour indoor cycle challenge for NHS charities

Mak Larkin, 12, shadowed Tour de France winner Geraint Thomas during his charity ride.

Dame Emma Thompson calls on Priti Patel to allow migrants to access support

Dame Emma Thompson calls on Priti Patel to allow migrants to access support

The actress is calling on the Government to suspend “No recourse to public funds” during the coronavirus pandemic.

Sturgeon warns of further lockdowns if virus cases surge when restrictions eased

Sturgeon warns of further lockdowns if virus cases surge when restrictions eased

A document published by the First Minister said both social distancing and frequent hand washing must continue.

Toddler can hear for first time after implant switch-on despite lockdown

Toddler can hear for first time after implant switch-on despite lockdown

Audiologists from the University of Southampton were able to turn on the cochlear implant remotely for the 18-month old.

Footballers should practise mindfulness to lower risk of injury, study suggests

Footballers should practise mindfulness to lower risk of injury, study suggests

Sports scientists from Abertay University in Dundee carried out the research in partnership with three Iranian institutions and a college in the US.

Brain injury patients at risk of falling through gaps – personal injury lawyer

Brain injury patients at risk of falling through gaps – personal injury lawyer

Jill Greenfield, of law firm Fieldfisher, works with clients who have suffered life-changing injuries, including brain damage and amputation.

Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin to restart production

Jaguar Land Rover and Aston Martin to restart production

JLR said it was beginning to see recovery in vehicle sales and customers are returning to its showrooms in China.

Osprey pair’s first egg of season laid on same day for third consecutive year

Osprey pair’s first egg of season laid on same day for third consecutive year

The moment was caught by a webcam installed by the Woodland Trust at Loch Arkaig.

Former staff cut ties with failed mini-bond scheme Blackmore

Former staff cut ties with failed mini-bond scheme Blackmore

Investors who had been promised 9.9% returns on their savings had their dreams shattered on Thursday after months of uncertainty.

Edinburgh Zoo welcomes four new penguin chicks

Edinburgh Zoo welcomes four new penguin chicks

People were able to watch them hatching live on the zoo’s webcams.

We treated Johnson like any other patient, say nurses name-checked by PM

We treated Johnson like any other patient, say nurses name-checked by PM

Luis Pitarma and Jenny McGee were singled out for praise by the Prime Minister for being among the NHS team to save his life while fighting Covid-19.

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