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Scottish driver assaulted Maidstone police officer with steel-capped boots

A Scottish lorry driver who kicked a police officer while wearing steel toe capped boots has been fined.

William Gilmour appeared at Maidstone Magistrates Court on Friday, after making the eight hour journey from Lanarkshire, Scotland.

Appearing before magistrates, the 52-year-old admitted to being drunk and disorderley and assaulting a female constable while in custody at Maidstone Police Station.

William Gilmour, 52, admitted being drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer in Maidstone. (1274413)
William Gilmour, 52, admitted being drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer in Maidstone. (1274413)

Bar staff called police to the Sir Thomas Wyatt Beefeater in London Road, Allington on March 9.

On arrival, the court heard officers found Gilmour to be "extremely intoxicated," and refusing to leave the premises.

Leanne James, prosecuting, said Gilmour was heard to swear at staff and officers several times and he was taken into custody.

While under interview, the court heard Gilmour continued to be aggressive and kicked one of arresting officers while wearing his steel capped boots.

The assault left his victim with a red mark and bruising to her ankle.

The court heard Gilmour had originally planned to spend the night in his lorry cabin having driven down from Scotland, but when he decided to go for a walk, he soon arrived at the Sir Thomas Langley.

Chairing the magistrates' bench, John Osmond heard Gilmour was "extremely remorseful" for his actions, but claimed he did not remember most of the events.

Mr Osmond gave Gilmour a 12 month conditional discharge as well as a series of fines.

He was ordered to pay a total of £245 to the court, which included £50 compensation to his victim, an £80 fine and £85 in costs to the Crown Prosecution Service.

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