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Window cleaner Aaron Menzies jailed after grooming children for sex on Facebook

Aaron Menzies, of High Street, Garlinge, has been jailed for seven and a half years after pleading guilty to a string of child sex offences
Aaron Menzies, of High Street, Garlinge, has been jailed for seven and a half years after pleading guilty to a string of child sex offences

A Thanet window cleaner has been branded a Facebook fiend after grooming children for sex on the social networking site.

Aaron Menzies, 22, met up with some of his victims to play "manhunt" - a sinister version of the game of hide-and-seek in which he sexually assaulted one of his victims.

Now a judge has branded him a "predatory paedophile" who poses a future risk to vulnerable children and jailed him for seven-and-a-half years.

Charlotte Newell, prosecuting, told Canterbury Crown Court: "He claimed people of his age thought him immature... the truth is that young girls are easier to manipulate and find it harder to say no to him because he is older.

"He targets girls on Facebook and in person and very shortly after the initial contact – and knowing they are under 16 – bombards them with sexual suggestive messages encouraging them to respond in kind."

Menzies, (pictured above) of High Street, Garlinge, pleaded guilty to six sex charges involving children as young as 12 – and a seventh of possessing indecent images of children.

Some of the offences were committed while he was being investigated by police – and another when he was on bail awaiting charge.

Two years ago, Menzies was convicted in Canada of arson after torching a building and was given a three-year suspended jail sentence.

Ms Newell told how a number of young girls were flattered by the attentions of an older man – and "succumbed to the pressure to respond in kind".

Menzies texted one child: "Hi it's Aaron, maybe you could, should take a picture of you in just your bra and send it to me; love you baby, kiss, kiss."

"you are a predatory paedophile who has deliberately, methodically and persistently sought out vulnerable victims for sexual abuse…” – judge simon james

When she asked why, he told her: "Dunno, makes me hard then I can take a picture of my **** and send it to you... please baby, kiss kiss."

He then sent the 15-year-old victim even more disgusting suggestions, including group sex – even though he knew her age.

The prosecutor said the pervert also targeted another 14-year-old schoolgirl who he impressed with "tales of fighting and offering her cigarettes".

She added: "Even though he knew she was only 14 he asked if she was a virgin and wanted to have sex. She told him she was a virgin and didn't want to have sex."

Menzies then took her mobile phone and on subsequent meetings spoke about oral sex and rape.

He was arrested and denied the offences, claiming his Facebook account had been hacked – but later admitted having sex with a 15-year-old girl.

He was then given police bail awaiting his court case, but went to Boundary Park, in Ramsgate, wearing his electronic tag and suggested to a group of young people a game of hide-and-seek.

Ms Newell said: "He called it manhunt... a variation of hide-and-seek and he took a 12-year-old and a 14-year-old and asked them if they had had sex.

Canterbury Crown Court
Canterbury Crown Court

"At one stage the 12-year-old was walking alone and Menzies moved his arm over her shoulder and touched her breast.

"As they walked past a synagogue there were a number of people in orthodox Jewish dress which was an unusual sight to these two young girls and they were a little frightened.

"He put his arms around them saying they were his bitches and he would look after them."

Judge Simon James told him: "The internet is one of the most significant innovations of our time and has the potential to do much good.

"But it also provides a window into young people's lives, which can be so easily exploited by people like you who steered conversations into particularly sinister areas... you were clearly trying to engage young girls into sexual activity of the most depraved sort.

"You set about grooming young girls... choosing them not despite the fact they were underage but because of that fact.

"You are a predatory paedophile who has deliberately, methodically and persistently sought out vulnerable victims for sexual abuse."

The "far-reaching" consequences of his vile activities was revealed to the judge, who heard how the victims and their families had suffered.

One girl - who "used to be bubbly" - was now said to be a victim of bullying and another suffering from frequent panic attacks and self-harming while a third suffered sleepless nights and was left fearful.

The judge also praised the investigating officer DC Abi Cochrane for her diligent and thorough work in bringing Menzies to justice.

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