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Thug locked up indefinitely

A thug who injured a brave pensioner after she caught him breaking into her home at night has been locked up indefinitely to protect the public.

Patrick Whiting
Patrick Whiting

Patrick Whiting will have to serve a minimum of five years behind bars before the parole board will consider his release.

The 51-year-old career criminal was on licence for a similar offence when he knocked over Irene Richards, 86, breaking her hip.

A judge told Whiting: “You are only likely not to be a danger when you are physically incapable of breaking into property and offering violence.

"That is an observation to assist the parole board but they will take all matters into account when making the appropriate decision for your release.”

Maidstone Crown Court heard the victim’s quality of life had changed completely since the incident, as she was now housebound and needed carers.

Whiting, of no fixed address, denied robbery but was convicted. He had admitted burglary.

The jury was told he went to Mrs Richards’s three-bedroom home in Gillingham in May at about 10pm and put a ladder up against a wall.

He climbed in through an upstairs window and when he heard Mrs Richards he hid in a cupboard under the stairs.

The pensioner, who lived alone, was getting a biscuit from the dining room when Whiting suddenly jumped out of his hiding place and went towards the hallway.

Mrs Richards told the court she gave chase, saying she was then able to run after the burglar “fairly quick”.

But Whiting pushed her and she fell to the ground. He then grabbed her handbag containing money and a bank book from the living room and fled.
Mrs Richards could not get up but managed to shuffle to her telephone to call the emergency services.

She was taken to hospital but her fractured hip was not discovered until three days later. She now needs a wheelchair.

Whiting was arrested after he was recognised by the police on a neighbour’s CCTV system.

He claimed he only pushed Mrs Richards because she was hitting him with her walking stick. She told of feeling “very angry and frustrated”.

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