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Jail for sex offender who threatened officer

Maidstone Crown Court
Maidstone Crown Court

A prolific sex offender who threatened to kill a probation officer has been jailed for three years.

Mark Andrew, described by a psychiatrist as having a "callous unconcern" for the feelings of others, was said to hold a grievance against the female officer.

Maidstone Crown Court heard 30-year-old Andrew had been jailed for 43 months in February 2009 for an offence of sexual activity with a child but due to time served on remand was released immediately from court.

However, "satisfactory" accommodation could not be found for him by the probation service and Andrew was later recalled to custody after he breached his licence conditions.

It was while in HMP Maidstone in September that year that he twice made the threats against his Brighton-based supervising officer Liz Alford. The court heard he blamed her for the accommodation problem.

Jailing Andrew, Judge Jeremy Gold QC said stringent conditions must be in place upon his release, which could be in as little as seven months’ time.

"This is a man who requires the closest possible supervision in the community following his release," he said. "Every possible method of monitoring his behaviour must be adopted."

Judge Gold also ordered that a transcript of his sentencing comments be included in Andrew’s prison file.

Andrew, of no address, admitted two offences of making threats to kill. The threats were made to prison staff and not to the officer herself.

Judge Gold told him: "Probation officers are entitled to the protection of the court. They have a uniquely difficult job and are entitled to go about their business without being threatened."

Caroline English, defending, said Andrew suffers from a personality disorder and finds it difficult to deal with "inaccuracies".

Two reports from the probation service and a psychiatrist concluded that Andrew remains at high risk of re-offending.

His previous convictions include indecent exposure, indecent assault, common assault and possession of a bladed article.

The court heard that the offence of sexual activity with a child related to an incident in which Andrew touched a girl in a swimming pool.

Andrew is expected to serve half his sentence less 306 days already spent on remand.

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