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Hunt for pet guinea pig's cruel killer

A NEIGHBOURHOOD police officer has described an incident in which a guinea pig was stolen and later died as an act of "outright cruelty".

PC Andy Stringer has been investigating the theft of the animal from its cage in the garden of a house in Freesia Close, Gillingham.

The pet was was found two days later but it had been mistreated and subsequently died.

PC Stringer said: "Simply put, this is an act of outright cruelty which has understandably been upsetting for the owners of a much loved family pet.

"Not only were the actions of those responsible incredibly cruel, they were also criminal and we intend to find out who did this so we can make arrests."

He added: "It is disturbing that any person would think that this kind of behaviour is acceptable and I would urge anyone who may have information about this crime to come forward."

Police say the pet was stolen on Friday, December 7.

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Stringer on 01634 792344 or call Kent CrimeStoppers on 0800 555111.

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