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Buried in sand to save the planet - where else but Margate!

A relieved looking Mark after his crawl in 2006.
A relieved looking Mark after his crawl in 2006.

We all know the traditional British seaside holiday has been in decline, but would you bury yourself in sand to make the point?

Eccentric artist Mark McGowan would - and will be buried on Margate beach for 48 hours during the next bank holiday weekend, surrounded by Margate rock, holiday momentos and being fed on fish and chips.

His extraordinary performance will start at noon on May 3 and end at noon on bank holiday Monday in his attempt to save the Great British seaside holiday - as well as the environment and planet.

Mr McGowan said: "The traditional British seaside holiday is in decline and everyone is flying abroad. This year, 30 million people will go on holidays abroad.

"This is due to cheap flights, sunnier climes and bargain bucket destinations. I am starting a campaign, which will include an art performance where I will be buried in the sand for 48 hours with a knotted handkerchief on my head, surrounded by Margate rock, holiday mementos and fed fish and chips everyday.

"This is to encourage people, so that when the time comes, to think about their holiday and don’t just book a holiday abroad. Come to Margate."

This is not the only extraordinary publicity stunt Mr McGowan has pulled. In January 2006, he crawled from Southwark Cathedral to Canterbury Cathedral to highlight the issue of loneliness.

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