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Hythe drug dealer jailed after being caught with drugs and weapons in Folkestone

A drug dealer has been jailed after being caught with a stash of drugs and weapons.

Steven Rimmer was arrested after police officers stopped his car in the Cheriton area of Folkestone.

Steven Rimmer has been jailed. Photo: Kent Police
Steven Rimmer has been jailed. Photo: Kent Police

Officers searched his VW Golf and discovered a large amount of cash, quantities of cocaine and cannabis, and a Stanley knife.

When they discovered he had been staying in a hotel nearby, they searched his room and seized two stun guns.

Rimmer, 31, of Frampton Road in Hythe, was arrested on Friday, February 28 and later admitted to a total of five charges.

These were possession of a class A Drug with intent to supply, two counts of possession of a prohibited weapon, possession of a bladed article and possession of a class B Drug.

He was jailed for a total of six years at Canterbury Crown Court on Thursday.

"Kent Police will use every means at our disposal to take drug dealers like Rimmer off the county's streets"

DC Luke Thomson said: "The actions of officers on the day and the thorough investigation that followed have led to Rimmer receiving a considerable sentence.

"Kent Police will use every means at our disposal to take drug dealers like Rimmer off the county's streets and dismantle the networks they use to bring misery to drug users and the wider community."

Read more: All the latest news from Folkestone

Read more: All the latest news from Hythe

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