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Not guilty plea as murder trial starts

Marc Brown was found in a pool of blood in the garden of this house in Mongeham Road
Marc Brown was found in a pool of blood in the garden of this house in Mongeham Road

A teenager inflicted fatal injuries on a man after chasing him from a party in Deal and attacking him with a heavy broom, a court heard.

Victim Marc Brown was found staggering around smelling of alcohol and it was at first thought he was merely drunk.

It was not until he was taken to a local hospital it was realised he had suffered a fractured skull.

He was rushed to a London hospital for emergency surgery but the 23-year-old died six days later.

Shane Penfold, of Adelaide Road, Elvington, denies murder and perverting the course of justice.

Maidstone Crown Court heard both Penfold, 19, and Mr Brown had been to the 19th birthday party for Sam Skipper, held at his father’s factory in Great Mongeham.

Eleanor Laws, prosecuting, said the party on August 15 last year had been advertised on the social networking site Bebo.

Towards the end of the evening a fight broke out, which seemed to be the catalyst for what was to happen.

Penfold’s friend Samuel Mackintosh was hit with either a bottle or glass. Penfold believed Mr Brown was responsible and chased him along Mongeham Road.

They went into the garden of Anita Allen. Josh Vowles, who was also at the party, followed them and saw that Penfold had a yard broom in his hands.

“As he entered, he saw Mr Penfold bringing the broom down into some bushes in the manner as if swinging an axe,” Miss Laws told the jury of seven women and five men.

The trial continues.

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