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Residents have voiced their opinion on Facebook about the positioning of the Welcome to Dover sign in Townwall Street

The position of a ‘Welcome to Dover’ mural in Townwall Street has been contested by some of Dover’s Facebook users.

Residents are complaining that its placement in front of derelict buildings gives tourists the wrong impression.

The sign is supposed to give visitors a pleasant welcome into the town, but has been slated through various comments on the Dover for Dovorians page.

Dover’s Town Team commissioned K College to create the artwork which faces the port.

Visitor Denise Doms, who lives in Maidstone, posted a picture of the sign, and said: “Just says it all doesn’t it.”

Added to her post was more than 46 ‘likes’ and nearly 150 comments.

She said: “I’m lucky I can drive on by – but many of the people who have commented on here I imagine find it as embarrassing as I did when I saw it last week.

“It has to hurt to see their town being allowed to fall into such a dreadful state of disrepair.” - Denise Doms

“It has to hurt to see their town (my old home town) being allowed to fall into such a dreadful state of disrepair.”

Former resident Tina Green said: “Up until 20 years ago, Dover was a beautiful little place.

“I lived in Dover for a few years. I visited a few weeks ago, and I have to say, apart from the castle, it has gone so downhill.

“However, the seafront is a lovely place, this has been done fantastic. I do like the seashore pathway.”

But Simon Crowley, a member of the Town Team and Dover Big Local, hit out at the critics.

He said: “I read this thread and wonder why I bother working with the Town Team and Big Local.

“It isn’t like we put ourselves up for election and get paid allowances or expenses – it takes hours of time and costs and personal money to achieve small things for the gradual betterment of the town we love and live in.

“Those of you with something to say, perhaps you could channel that energy into helping make Dover a better place.”

For the full report, see the Dover Mercury, out now.

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